Sergeant Oil

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Phone: 713-266-5778

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Tank Containers built to the ISO standards(often called “Isotainers” or “ISO tanks”) are commonly used to ship hazardous liquid materials including aviation gasoline 100LL. These units are specially designed for repeat use in the transportation of bulk liquid product to, from, and between fixed and/or mobile consumption points.An isotank is a stainless steel cylindrical pressure vessel, surrounded by a 20? x 8? x 8.5? framework (the overall international standard dimensions of a container) which vary in size typically from 23,000 – 26,000 liters. These dimensions allow for shipping via rail car or ocean vessel. The ISO tanks require a special chassis to transport via truck. These tanks can be insulated and can be discharged from the top and/or bottom. Loading and unloading is done by connecting hoses of the loading and unloading facility to the valves of the tank. The loading or unloading is often done using a pump. Sergeant Oil & Gas works with a dozen isotainer operating companies worldwide that can offer a variety of services for its customers. Shipping AvGas 100LL in isotainers is very safe and has advantages over AvGas 100LL packaged in drums. Below is a diagram of an isotainer from one of our vendors:

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This article was published on Monday 14 May, 2018.

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